
Monday, January 2, 2012

What True, Avocados Make You Fat.?

Although a lot of fat, avocados can make cholesterol levels decreased, prevent cancer, heart disease, and liver disorders. It also make the skin and hair more beautiful, and increase libido. Avocado (Persea Americana Mill) belongs to the plant family Lauraceae. This plant is known by the name of the foreign Advocaat or avocado pear.

Avocado plants from Central America (Mexico, Peru, Venezuela) and the expected entry into Indonesia in the 18th century. This plant is a tree whose height can reach more than 20 meters. Avocado trees are very suitable to grow at altitudes between 200-1000 m above sea level. Rainfall is required plant between 1500-3000 mm per year.

Avocado-producing countries in large scale is America (Florida, California, Hawaii), Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Australia, Cuba, Argentina, and Africa Selatan. In Indonesia, avocado crop is still a garden plants, has not been cultivated in the farm scale. Although it can be planted in all parts of Indonesia, the central area of ​​avocado production is still limited on the island of Java, Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Jambi, Bali, South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara.


Avocados are known as sources of fat are very high, ie 14.66 g per 100 g. Avocado fat content exceeds the durian, which reached double that. It causes some people to be afraid to eat, especially women, for reasons of fear of getting fat. Really.?

Avocado consumption of 200 grams per day proved not to promote weight loss. Opinion that the avocado is a fruit that contains a lot of fat and therefore unhealthy, it was a long time circulating in the community.

In fact, avocados are high in fat, but generally there is in the form of monounsaturated fat (MUFA = monounsaturated fatty acids). Saturated fatty acid content in avocados is 2.13 g / 100 g, whereas unsaturated fats solo (MUFA) reached 9.8 g / 100 g. Consumption of fatty acids in the form of MUFA, as in the avocado, instead can improve their cholesterol levels and protect damage to the arteries (blood vessels).

Fat avocados also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) with levels of 1.82 g / 100 g of fruit flesh. Benefits of PUFA on avocado equal to that of marine fish. Consumption of MUFA and PUFA in sufficient quantities to provide optimal health benefits for the body.

MUFA fatty acids that are found in avocados is oleic acid (such as fatty acids contained in the almond and olive oil). Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acids which can lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol), but instead increase the HDL (good cholesterol).

The results of a study, men who ate avocados for three consecutive months will experience a decrease in LDL cholesterol levels by 12 percent. It can protect blood vessels from damage caused by atherosclerosis.

Research conducted by a cardiologist in Queensland, Australia, found that consumption of avocado (a fruit per day) can substitute low-fat diet to lower cholesterol. The study was conducted by comparing women who were given a diet high in carbohydrates but low in fat with other women who were given a diet high in avocados for 3 weeks. Avocado is eaten or smeared on bread or crackers.

The results of these studies indicate cholesterol dropped an average of 4.9 percent in the first group and 8.2 percent in the second group. Low-fat diet did not reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels even lower to 14 percent. This is especially true at very low fat diet. Conversely, eating avocados can lower LDL cholesterol.

Avocados also can increase the absorption of carotenoid compounds in the intestine, such as beta carotene and alpha carotene, which are antioxidants. So, assuming that the avocado should be avoided for people with high cholesterol or fat is not true. Avocado itself was very beneficial for the body.

So, that must be considered is the manner of presentation, such as avoiding the addition of sweetened condensed milk, sugar or syrup, if you eat avocado. Avocados are actually very beneficial for skin health. Avocados contain vitamins A, C, and E, niacin, pantothenic acid, iron, potassium, and protein that are not usually found in fruit. All of these nutrients useful for beauty and skin health.

Different from other fruits, avocados contain almost no starch, low in sugar of fruit, but the abundance of cellulose fibers. This factor makes the avocado is recommended as part of the menu to control diabetes. Iron and copper are abundant substance makes avocados important in the formation of red blood cells and prevention of nutritional anemia.

Blend of vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and manganese makes avocados good for maintaining healthy skin and hair. With the presence of folic acid and vitamin B, as well as other vitamins, avocado ideal to stimulate the formation of collagen tissue.

Avocado is rich in minerals potassium (485 mg / 100 g fruit), but low content of sodium (7 mg / 100g of fruit). The comparison is encouraging atmosphere alkaline in our body. Increased alkalinity of the body would suppress the emergence of disease caused by overly acidic body conditions such as allergies, headaches, panic attacks, and respiratory and digestive disorders.

High potassium content which helps regulate blood pressure regulation, thus aiding the prevention of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. In addition, avocados are also rich in folic acid (81 mg / 100 g of fruit). Consumption of one cup of avocado sufficient to meet 23 percent of the body's need for folic acid.

A study involving 80,000 women for 14 years showed that women who consume folic acid regularly have 55 percent lower risk for heart attack. Other studies have also shown that consumption of folic acid may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. The content of vitamin K in the avocado is also quite good (81 mg / 100 g of fruit).

According to The George Mateljan Foundation, the consumption of one cup of avocado can meet 36.5 percent of the body's need for vitamin K. Vitamin K is essential for the formation of prothrombin. High levels of prothrombin in the blood is a good indication of the power of blood clotting. Therefore, vitamin K is also known as vitamin coagulation (blood coagulant for wound healing).

Avocados can also increase sexual arousal. The content of vitamin B6 (0.26 mg / 100 g of fruit) in avocados can increase male hormone production, while potassium helps regulate the thyroid gland in females. Both of these will contribute positively to increase one's libido. Avocados are also very good for maintaining healthy heart.

According to research conducted by Hirokazu Kawagishi and Kimio Sugiyamadari Shizouka University, avocado is very beneficial for heart health. In that study, found five active compounds are effective to reduce liver damage. Experiments with mice showed that avocado extract is very effective for treating hepatitis virus that attacks the liver. The fruit is also effective in fighting cancer.

According to the publication of the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, avocado extracts containing carotenoids and tocopherols which can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. Avocados contain glutathione which is also very useful for maintaining cell growth and health. Glutathione can also clean up harmful free radicals in fatty foods, which can prevent cancer early.

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