
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Vitamin D Not Just For Bones

Vitamin D Not Just For Bones
During this, vitamin D is often associated with bone health. Understand it, because vitamin D will work synergistically with calcium to maintain bone density. However, besides keeping bones strong, vitamin D has many other benefits.!

To ensure bone health, calcium is not only necessary but also required vitamin D, because vitamin D is responsible for carrying calcium from the gastrointestinal tract to the bone. No amount of calcium you consume, if not accompanied by adequate availability of vitamin D in the body, calcium is not optimal for bone health.

It is estimated that worldwide, about 1 million people develop vitamin D deficiency, this condition if left unchecked can certainly cause problems, either in bones or other organs.
In the body of the function of vitamin D helps the absorption and maintaining calcium and phosphorus. Both minerals are very important role in bone metabolism. Addition of vitamin D also plays a role in the immune system.

Vitamin D is known to also play a role in helping to prevent certain types of cancer. Call it colon cancer (colon), prostate cancer. Although not very significant, the adequacy of vitamin reduces the risk of heart attacks and diabetes.

Does it need to consume vitamin D supplements.?

Blogs Healthy
To answer this question, it must be understood previous the need of vitamin D daily. Each person is different, for example, for ages 0 to 50 years it takes approximately 200 IU (50mcg), between 50-70 years approximately 400 IU (100mcg), whereas over 70 years, it takes approximately 600 IU (150mcg). Maximum daily dose is 2000 IU.

If the estimated intake of foods containing vitamin D are less than the amount required, there is no harm in consume supplements of vitamin D in order to be unavoidable side effect of vitamin D deficiency.

Source of Vitamin D

In the form of supplements available today, vitamin D2 (ergokalsiferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). D3 form has advantages, because it is more effective that required fewer doses. Besides the side effects are that much less than with types of D2.

Vitamin D3 is also more natural than vitamin D2, because this type is the result of prodiksi body after exposure to the sun. D2 product is usually the result of production of the fungus that has undergone radiation.

Food sources that contain vitamin D include cheese, salmon, eggs, milk and beef. Also exposure to sunlight also can change the inactive to active vitamin D in the body.

Problem of vitamin D deficiency

Deficiency of vitamin D resulted in only 15% calcium absorption is very much reduced. Despite the adequate intake, but absorption disorders lead to an influx of calcium into the bone disturbed, consequently prone to osteoporosis. Lack of vitamin D resulted in an immune system disorder. Diabetes and heart problems allegedly have also been associated with this condition.

Muscle weakness is also the side effects that may occur. Several studies have found that low vitamin D levels in the body turned out to have a relationship with the incidence of colon cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer. It is to be understood that vitamin D deficiency is not a trivial.

To find out how much content in vitamin D, the examination can be done is 25 (OH) D or tests kalsidol. Normal levels in the body between 40 and 65 ng / mL, while the U.S. National Institutes of Health notes that levels of 25 (OH) D over 30 ng / mL is the optimal amount for the body.

If the level is excessive

Until now there has been found a serious problem due to excess of vitamin D. One study found that consumption of up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day for 5 months did not cause serious effects. In recent research note, excess vitamin D resulted in increased levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood. This condition may eventually lead to the effects of osteoporosis for bone.

Symptoms that occur as a result of high levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia), including nausea, vomiting, and then the urine becomes more (polyuria), excessive thirst, to result in impaired consciousness. In the event of complaint, then the use of vitamin D or calcium supplementation is stopped to avoid the side effects are more severe.

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