
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Vitamin D Not Just For Bones

Vitamin D Not Just For Bones
During this, vitamin D is often associated with bone health. Understand it, because vitamin D will work synergistically with calcium to maintain bone density. However, besides keeping bones strong, vitamin D has many other benefits.!

To ensure bone health, calcium is not only necessary but also required vitamin D, because vitamin D is responsible for carrying calcium from the gastrointestinal tract to the bone. No amount of calcium you consume, if not accompanied by adequate availability of vitamin D in the body, calcium is not optimal for bone health.

It is estimated that worldwide, about 1 million people develop vitamin D deficiency, this condition if left unchecked can certainly cause problems, either in bones or other organs.
In the body of the function of vitamin D helps the absorption and maintaining calcium and phosphorus. Both minerals are very important role in bone metabolism. Addition of vitamin D also plays a role in the immune system.

Vitamin D is known to also play a role in helping to prevent certain types of cancer. Call it colon cancer (colon), prostate cancer. Although not very significant, the adequacy of vitamin reduces the risk of heart attacks and diabetes.

Does it need to consume vitamin D supplements.?

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To answer this question, it must be understood previous the need of vitamin D daily. Each person is different, for example, for ages 0 to 50 years it takes approximately 200 IU (50mcg), between 50-70 years approximately 400 IU (100mcg), whereas over 70 years, it takes approximately 600 IU (150mcg). Maximum daily dose is 2000 IU.

If the estimated intake of foods containing vitamin D are less than the amount required, there is no harm in consume supplements of vitamin D in order to be unavoidable side effect of vitamin D deficiency.

Source of Vitamin D

In the form of supplements available today, vitamin D2 (ergokalsiferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). D3 form has advantages, because it is more effective that required fewer doses. Besides the side effects are that much less than with types of D2.

Vitamin D3 is also more natural than vitamin D2, because this type is the result of prodiksi body after exposure to the sun. D2 product is usually the result of production of the fungus that has undergone radiation.

Food sources that contain vitamin D include cheese, salmon, eggs, milk and beef. Also exposure to sunlight also can change the inactive to active vitamin D in the body.

Problem of vitamin D deficiency

Deficiency of vitamin D resulted in only 15% calcium absorption is very much reduced. Despite the adequate intake, but absorption disorders lead to an influx of calcium into the bone disturbed, consequently prone to osteoporosis. Lack of vitamin D resulted in an immune system disorder. Diabetes and heart problems allegedly have also been associated with this condition.

Muscle weakness is also the side effects that may occur. Several studies have found that low vitamin D levels in the body turned out to have a relationship with the incidence of colon cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer. It is to be understood that vitamin D deficiency is not a trivial.

To find out how much content in vitamin D, the examination can be done is 25 (OH) D or tests kalsidol. Normal levels in the body between 40 and 65 ng / mL, while the U.S. National Institutes of Health notes that levels of 25 (OH) D over 30 ng / mL is the optimal amount for the body.

If the level is excessive

Until now there has been found a serious problem due to excess of vitamin D. One study found that consumption of up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day for 5 months did not cause serious effects. In recent research note, excess vitamin D resulted in increased levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood. This condition may eventually lead to the effects of osteoporosis for bone.

Symptoms that occur as a result of high levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia), including nausea, vomiting, and then the urine becomes more (polyuria), excessive thirst, to result in impaired consciousness. In the event of complaint, then the use of vitamin D or calcium supplementation is stopped to avoid the side effects are more severe.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Benefits of Guava

Benefits of Guava
Guava (Psidium guajava L) is only popular when dengue fever outbreak. In fact, fruits rich in vitamin C has many health benefits that have not been widely known.

Guava is very much beneficial, guava is a fruit which has many nutrients and can be used to treat some kinds of diseases.

Benefits of Guava

1. Hemorrhoid

Remedy 1: young guava leaves and stone banana washed, then crushed. Drinking distillation water. Do it every day on a regular basis, until it is completely healed.

Remedy 2: fresh guava fruit 500 grams of boiled using enough water until a thick liquid. Apply the liquid into the body of the sick. 

2. Cough And Influenza

Guava leaves are eaten raw or, guava fruit made juice ​​trusted for generations as a drug treating coughs and colds. This herb works by reducing the formation of mucus and make respiratory tract infection-free. Guava fruits are also rich in vitamin C and iron are effective to inhibit influenza virus infection.

3. Beser (frequent urination)

Three shoots of guava leaves are washed, salad with a little salt and pepper. Eat every day and night for 2 days.

4. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)

Remedy 1: Guava ripe, and fruit mengkal 3 washed. Guava ripe blend until smooth and then filtered to obtain a guava juice.
Guava juice taken three times daily until healed DHF. Mengkal fruit eaten with the skin directly. Fruit seeds do not need to in eat.

Remedy 2: Guava leaves fresh 1 kg of washed, then cut into small pieces (chopped). Blender with enough water until smooth. Strain and endapkan, so that the leaf extract separated by water. The leaf extract oven for durability.

How to use:

- Enter the extract into a capsule and drink twice a day, every morning and evening.

- Drinking leaf extract along with a dose of guava syrup 1 teaspoon to 1 / 2 liter of diluted syrup. Drinking on a regular basis until the complaint cured.

5. Diabetes

According to studies conducted in mice, both fruit and guava leaves can help lower blood sugar levels.
The guava fruit is still mengkal cut into pieces, boiled in 3 cups water to 1 cup strain. Drink 2 times a day.

6. Diarrhea

Remedy 1: Guava leaves 30 g plus a handful of boiled rice flour with 1-2 glasses of water. The solution taken 2 times a day.

Remedy 2: Three pieces of fresh young guava leaves chewed with a little salt, then swallowed. Apply 2 times a day.

Remedy 3: Six pieces of guava leaves washed and crushed was given a cup of boiled water, juice, drink water. Enough to drink 2 times a day. Drinking distillation water. Do it every day on a regular basis, until it is completely healed.

7. Dysentery

Prepare roots of guava leaves and guava leaves 10 sheets. Chop the roots and leaves, washed, then boiled with enough water for 20 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. Strain the cooking water and then drink in moderation on a regular basis until the complaint is lost.

8. Leucorrhoea

Two handfuls of young guava leaves and seven betel leaves are washed, boiled with a glass of water, strain. Wait a bit cold then drink. Enough to drink 2 times a day.

9. Wound

Three shoots of guava leaves are washed, chew until creamed. Glue on wounds. The content of its astringent to stop bleeding.

10. Ulcer

Eight pieces of guava leaves are washed, boiled with 1.5 liters of water. Drink 3 times a day.

11. Preventing Cancer

Guava contains cancer-fighting antioxidant, lycopene. Lycopene in guava is more readily absorbed than those from tomatoes because of differences in cell structure. Lycopene consumption is quite highly influential at a reduced risk of prostate cancer in men. All types of guava contains antioxidants is high, especially in red meat guava.

12. Preventing Constipation

High fiber in guava effective to prevent constipation or constipation. Guava fruit medium containing 36 percent of the recommended fiber needs. Besides fruit seeds is also a powerful laxative which works to help cleanse the intestines disposal system.

13. Lose Weight

This fruit has the components needed to lose weight, such as fiber, protein and vitamins. It also makes the stomach feel fuller. Guava which is eaten at lunch was enough to block the stomach until dinner.

14. Reduce Hypertension

Guava is a fruit that should be consumed regularly if you want to avoid heart attacks. The fruit is a hypoglycemic in nature and rich in fiber is beneficial for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, a medium-sized guava could meet 20 percent of the body's daily requirement of potassium. Research also suggests regular consumption of potassium can lower blood pressure.

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15. Caring Teeth

Consumption of guava juice to treat the gums, overcome gums swollen, and bleeding.

16. Caring Leather

The content in guava astringet will improve skin texture and tighten skin that starts sagging. Not only that guava also contains vitamins A, C and potassium, which has a function as an antioxidant. These nutrients will help the detoxification process and keep skin healthy and wrinkle free.

17. Strengthen the heart, helps the digestive system, and anti cancer

Guava juice 200 ml, apple juice 400 ml, juice melon 200 ml, and pure honey 100 cc. Blend all ingredients until smooth and store in refrigerator. Drinking regularly every morning and afternoon respectively 300 cc.

18. Flatulence in Children

Three pieces of guava leaves, bark pulasari 2 cm, 5 grains fennel boiled with 1.5 cups of water until the water a half, strain. Drink 3 times a day. Dose for children under 3 years old, 1 tablespoon, over 3 years 2 Tbsp.

19. Pain of Skin

Remedy 1: A handful of young guava leaves and 7 flowers of guava washed, mash until smooth. Rub at the skin of the sick.

Remedy 2: Guava leaves fresh 500 grams of cut and boil in hot water 90 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. Strain the cooking water and use it to shower while the water is still warm. Do it regularly until the skin disease disappeared.

20. Sprue Stomach

Vitamin C in guava four times higher than the vitamin C found in oranges. In addition, the fruit is also a potent medicine for sprue stomach, a disease characterized by swollen and bleeding gums.

21. Sprue

Young guava leaves 2 sheets, 1 sheet of fresh betel leaf, a handful of fresh sage leaves washed thoroughly. Mash all ingredients until smooth then add water. Squeeze the dough and then use water to rinse his mouth 2-3 times a day.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Exercise Light During Pregnancy

Exercise Light During Pregnancy
Avoid sports and activities this

During pregnancy it is better Mom avoid these activities this :

v Lifting heavy loads.
v Walk long distances with heavy loads.
v High-impact sports, sports with high risk, such as aerobics or martial arts, and activities at high altitudes.

Gymnastics Pregnant

Some hospitals are now generally have a pregnancy exercise class. Ask the nearest Maternity Hospital to join. Some pregnancy classes require registration or registration prior to the class. Class pregnant will be guided by the midwife and usually consist of 5 to 20 pregnant women. Use clothes that are comfortable and mothers can also bring your own mat exercises when the mother wants. Gymnastics pregnant are encouraged to attend with her husband or partner.

Terms Of Gymnastics Pregnant

Sports, not just wearing t-shirts and sneakers. What else to Mothers who are pregnant. The following, it is important to note :

v Do not let your body heat in the long term. Rest for a moment.
v Use a bra that is good enough for sport and such a decker that can support foot.
v Drinking enough water
v Note the balance of the body (pregnancy alter the balance of your body)
v Do exercise appropriate portions and do not overdo it. If you feel dizzy, floating, cramps, tired or too hot, breaks.

Why should exercise.?

Mild exercise will increase energy Mom. But the point is not only that, exercise is also :

v Overcoming constipation (constipation), cramps and back pain.
v Keeps the body fresh and strong in their daily activities.
v Sleep more soundly.
v Reduce stress.
v Help restore the body shape more quickly after childbirth.
v The body is more prepared and stronger in the process of childbirth.
v Meet with other expectant mothers when Mother do pregnancy exercise class.

What sport is safe for pregnant women.?

If Mother rarely exercise, then do not start a vigorous exercise when pregnant women. Moreover, without consulting your doctor. Perform light exercise that do not pose a risk to mother and baby. Some of the following sports may be can tried. 

v Pilates or yoga. Sports with a pattern of relaxed breathing and stretching is quite safe for pregnant women.
v Jogging light and brisk walking
v Swim
v Pregnant or aquanatal Gymnastics (gymnastics is similar to aquarobik but designed specifically for pregnant women)
v Dance
v Biking. Wow, happy stay safe cycling while pregnant. But, if you want to comfortably use a padded bike seat and choose the flat streets safer. When the belly getting bigger, balance your body will change and likely to fall will be greater. So it might be better if Mom uses a stationary bike.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Benefits Red Onions

Benefits Red Onions
Benefits of red onion - Plants that are used as flavoring in foods is proved to have great benefit for us. Typically used for seasoning vegetables and is often cooked as fried onion flavor that is used to complement the cuisine. But do you know the benefits of the onions themselves? For that let us see what the benefits are this onion.

From the research, it turns out onion bulb extract with a dose of 250 mg / kg, causes a decrease in normal blood sugar levels by 23.46%. In granting tolbutamid dose 250 mg / kg orally, showed a normal blood sugar levels by 22.21%, and the provision of distilled water with a dose of 5 ml / kg orally showed a normal blood sugar levels by 3.00%.

It has been doing research on the protective effects of onion on the liver damage from carbon tetrachloride. From the results of these studies, it turns out Shallots inhibit GPT increased plasma and liver tissue damage caused by CCl4.

The benefit for treating diseases such as:

- cough
- Menstruation irregular
- Diabetes
- Helminthic
- Fever in children (topical)
- Abdominal bloating in children (topical)
- Able to prevent blood clotting
- Provide recovery opportunities in asthmatics
- Lowers blood pressure and fat levels in the blood
- Prevent the rise in blood sugar in people with diabetes mellitus


Prepare onion 4 grams, leaf poko fresh 4 grams, leaf Sembung fresh 4 grams, herbs fresh 4 grams, fruit anise 2 grams and water 125 ml. The trick with crushed, made ​​infusions or pills and can be used once a day with a drink. Long treatment for 14 days.


Prepare onion (chopped) as much as 4 grams, beans fruit (chopped) 15 grams, bay leaves (chopped) 10 pieces and 120 ml water. The trick is made intravenously and taken once 100 ml. Treatment 14 days.


Stomach Bloating in Children, Remedy: Bulbs Onion (thin slices) to taste, to taste Coconut oil, eucalyptus oil to taste. Directions: knead. How to use: The oil is smeared on a bloated abdomen, whole body, legs, and hands in children a fever.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ways Maximum Sleep To Burn Calories

Ways Maximum Sleep To Burn Calories
Losing weight requires attention and dedication of those who pursue health. Exercising to spend a lot of sweat in the hope burn calories as much as possible.

While still a relatively young age and have enough stamina, you may still be able to exercise often. But when you reach middle age, sports that rely on physical strength to be very risky, so you start looking for various alternatives to help you burn calories.

One way that might be done is to maximize your body burning calories at rest. Perhaps many who do not believe that you can actually burn more calories while sleeping. But this really could happen.!

Here are some habits which, when applied to everyday life can help you lose weight while you are soundly asleep :

1. Dinner 3 hours before bedtime

If you are having dinner right before bed, then the process of digestion becomes incomplete and the system becomes slow. Not only will this make the fat deposits to increase, but will also damage the digestive system which causes problems such as constipation and acidity. Early dinner will ensure proper digestion and helps keep the digestive system and good metabolic rate while you rest.

2. Walking after a meal

Walk after you eat dinner at a slow pace or moderate. It helps the digestive system function better and keep your metabolism stays high during the night. The quality of your sleep also increased by walking for a while.

3. Exercise of physical force 

The people who practice in the afternoon lifting weights burns more fat during exercise sessions, all day, and even at night. Physical strength training helps increase metabolism and burn more calories when the body is at rest.

4. Turn off space heaters

Body's natural defense mechanism is built so that if you feel cold then your body will release more calories to keep warm. Therefore, if you intend to lose weight find the warmth that comes from within the body, not from outside sources such as using space heaters.

5. Drinking green tea or warm lemon water 

Both of these drinks contain antioxidants that can protect the body against damage caused by free radicals, causing the body's metabolic rate falls. This drink can make you feel fresh and energetic throughout the day.

6. Sleep for 7 or 8 hours each night

Enough sleep and the quality is very important. Research has proven that a good night's sleep can improve the welfare of the individual. Those who sleep less have a slow metabolism during the day and tend to gain weight. But, if the sleep needs are met, you will have a better metabolism, all day.!

7. Relax and meditate before bed

If you include people who likes to sleep with the anxiety and tension, it will be bad for your mental and physical condition. To prevent this from happening, learn some meditation or relaxation techniques. Practice before go to bed so you can prevent anxiety and avoid weight gain. Once again, good sleep will lead you to good health.!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Terms And Types Of Milk A Good

Terms And Types Of Milk A Good
Terms Of Milk A Good

While still inside the mammary gland, milk declared sterile. However, when it is exposed to air, milk could not be guaranteed sterility. The requirement of good milk include many factors, such as color, taste, odor, specific gravity, viscosity of, freezing point, boiling point, and the level of acidity.

The color of milk depends on several factors such as the type of livestock and eating. Normal milk color, ranges from bluish white to golden yellow. White color is the result of light dispersion of droplets of fat, protein, and minerals in the milk. Fat and beta carotene that soluble create yellow, whereas if the fat content in milk is taken, the blue color will appear.

Milk was slightly sweet and salty (savory) are caused by lactose and sugar content of mineral salts in the milk. Sense of their own milk is easy to change when exposed to certain objects, such as food-producing dairy cattle, working cattle enzymes in the body, even containers a place to accommodate of milk produced later. The smell of milk is generally tasty, but also very easy to change when exposed to the above factors.

Specific gravity of milk is 1.028 kg / L. Determination of specific gravity of milk should be performed 3 hours after the milk milked, because the weight of this type can be changed, influenced by changes in conditions or because of gas-fat milk in the milk. Viscosity of milk usually ranges between 1.5 to 2 cP, which is influenced by the milk solids, fat, and milk temperature.
Freezing point of milk in Indonesia is -0.520 ° C, whereas the boiling point is 100.16 ° C. Boiling point and freezing point it will be amended if done forgery milk with the addition of too much water because the boiling point and freezing point of water of different.
Fresh milk has amphoteric properties, meaning that it can be in the nature of acid and alkaline properties. Naturally fresh milk ranged from 6.5 to 6.7 pH. When the pH of milk is lower than 6.5, meaning there is colostrum or bacterial activity.

Types Of Milk Products

Based on fat content contained therein, dairy products can be differentiated into several types: whole milk (whole milk), milk less fat (reduced fat milk), low-fat milk (low fat milk), and fat-free milk (free-fat Milk ) or skim milk (skim milk).

Whole milk must contain at least 3.25% from 8.25% milk fat and milk solids not fat (protein, carbohydrates, water-soluble vitamins, and minerals). The addition of vitamins A and D in milk is voluntary.

Milk less fat, many people choose because want to reduce consumption of fat in the milk. As the name implies, the levels of fat in milk has been reduced to the remaining 2%. For consumers who want even less fat consumption, low-fat milk were created. Fat content in milk has been reduced to the remaining 1%.

In skim milk, fat content is reduced to almost nothing at all (0.1%), but residue from milk fat should be left up to a maximum of 0.5%. Because vitamin A and D are fat-soluble part is lost in the process of removal of fat, the less fat milk, low fat milk, and skim milk are generally added to both the vitamin.

Pure milk is heated for some time will be transformed into evaporated milk. Milk is formed by heating milk with a vacuum pump to remove approximately 60% water content. In addition to the removal of water, in the manufacture of evaporated milk is also the addition of vitamin D and standardization of nutrition.

Furthermore, this milk will be heated at a temperature of 115.5 to 118.5 ° C for 15 minutes for sterilization. The result, evaporated milk will be structured more concentrated than whole milk, and contains approximately 25% milk solids not fat.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Honey Can Relieves Coughs

Remember when I was young a cough, parents must participate could not sleep. Who would bear to see her continue to cough at night.? She always gives good medicine to relieve cough, quite simple as honey.

When compared with the form of cough syrup commonly sold in the market or allow their children to cough all night, honey proved better.

One tablespoon of honey are known to help relieve your child's cough at night and help them sleep more soundly.

Honey is used worldwide as a traditional medicine for coughs, and is an alternative that is safe and effective as a cough medicine.

There are several reasons of honey can cure cough, quality syrup sweet honey relieve throat, while the elements of antioxidant honey is also one factor relieve cough. In addition, honey has an antimicrobial effect.

But it should be noted also, that honey is not recommended for infants aged under one year, because of rare but serious risks that can cause a type poisoning food botulism. But for children who are larger, in general, honey is quite safe to use.

Regarding the dose of its use in accordance with the usual cough medicine recommendations:

v 2-5 years à ½ teaspoon

v 6-11 years à 1 teaspoon

v 12 years and over à 2 teaspoons.

If it can provide benefits, why not to try. Hopefully cough you a speedy recovery.

Monday, January 2, 2012

What True, Avocados Make You Fat.?

Although a lot of fat, avocados can make cholesterol levels decreased, prevent cancer, heart disease, and liver disorders. It also make the skin and hair more beautiful, and increase libido. Avocado (Persea Americana Mill) belongs to the plant family Lauraceae. This plant is known by the name of the foreign Advocaat or avocado pear.

Avocado plants from Central America (Mexico, Peru, Venezuela) and the expected entry into Indonesia in the 18th century. This plant is a tree whose height can reach more than 20 meters. Avocado trees are very suitable to grow at altitudes between 200-1000 m above sea level. Rainfall is required plant between 1500-3000 mm per year.

Avocado-producing countries in large scale is America (Florida, California, Hawaii), Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Australia, Cuba, Argentina, and Africa Selatan. In Indonesia, avocado crop is still a garden plants, has not been cultivated in the farm scale. Although it can be planted in all parts of Indonesia, the central area of ​​avocado production is still limited on the island of Java, Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Jambi, Bali, South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara.


Avocados are known as sources of fat are very high, ie 14.66 g per 100 g. Avocado fat content exceeds the durian, which reached double that. It causes some people to be afraid to eat, especially women, for reasons of fear of getting fat. Really.?

Avocado consumption of 200 grams per day proved not to promote weight loss. Opinion that the avocado is a fruit that contains a lot of fat and therefore unhealthy, it was a long time circulating in the community.

In fact, avocados are high in fat, but generally there is in the form of monounsaturated fat (MUFA = monounsaturated fatty acids). Saturated fatty acid content in avocados is 2.13 g / 100 g, whereas unsaturated fats solo (MUFA) reached 9.8 g / 100 g. Consumption of fatty acids in the form of MUFA, as in the avocado, instead can improve their cholesterol levels and protect damage to the arteries (blood vessels).

Fat avocados also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) with levels of 1.82 g / 100 g of fruit flesh. Benefits of PUFA on avocado equal to that of marine fish. Consumption of MUFA and PUFA in sufficient quantities to provide optimal health benefits for the body.

MUFA fatty acids that are found in avocados is oleic acid (such as fatty acids contained in the almond and olive oil). Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acids which can lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol), but instead increase the HDL (good cholesterol).

The results of a study, men who ate avocados for three consecutive months will experience a decrease in LDL cholesterol levels by 12 percent. It can protect blood vessels from damage caused by atherosclerosis.

Research conducted by a cardiologist in Queensland, Australia, found that consumption of avocado (a fruit per day) can substitute low-fat diet to lower cholesterol. The study was conducted by comparing women who were given a diet high in carbohydrates but low in fat with other women who were given a diet high in avocados for 3 weeks. Avocado is eaten or smeared on bread or crackers.

The results of these studies indicate cholesterol dropped an average of 4.9 percent in the first group and 8.2 percent in the second group. Low-fat diet did not reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels even lower to 14 percent. This is especially true at very low fat diet. Conversely, eating avocados can lower LDL cholesterol.

Avocados also can increase the absorption of carotenoid compounds in the intestine, such as beta carotene and alpha carotene, which are antioxidants. So, assuming that the avocado should be avoided for people with high cholesterol or fat is not true. Avocado itself was very beneficial for the body.

So, that must be considered is the manner of presentation, such as avoiding the addition of sweetened condensed milk, sugar or syrup, if you eat avocado. Avocados are actually very beneficial for skin health. Avocados contain vitamins A, C, and E, niacin, pantothenic acid, iron, potassium, and protein that are not usually found in fruit. All of these nutrients useful for beauty and skin health.

Different from other fruits, avocados contain almost no starch, low in sugar of fruit, but the abundance of cellulose fibers. This factor makes the avocado is recommended as part of the menu to control diabetes. Iron and copper are abundant substance makes avocados important in the formation of red blood cells and prevention of nutritional anemia.

Blend of vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and manganese makes avocados good for maintaining healthy skin and hair. With the presence of folic acid and vitamin B, as well as other vitamins, avocado ideal to stimulate the formation of collagen tissue.

Avocado is rich in minerals potassium (485 mg / 100 g fruit), but low content of sodium (7 mg / 100g of fruit). The comparison is encouraging atmosphere alkaline in our body. Increased alkalinity of the body would suppress the emergence of disease caused by overly acidic body conditions such as allergies, headaches, panic attacks, and respiratory and digestive disorders.

High potassium content which helps regulate blood pressure regulation, thus aiding the prevention of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. In addition, avocados are also rich in folic acid (81 mg / 100 g of fruit). Consumption of one cup of avocado sufficient to meet 23 percent of the body's need for folic acid.

A study involving 80,000 women for 14 years showed that women who consume folic acid regularly have 55 percent lower risk for heart attack. Other studies have also shown that consumption of folic acid may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. The content of vitamin K in the avocado is also quite good (81 mg / 100 g of fruit).

According to The George Mateljan Foundation, the consumption of one cup of avocado can meet 36.5 percent of the body's need for vitamin K. Vitamin K is essential for the formation of prothrombin. High levels of prothrombin in the blood is a good indication of the power of blood clotting. Therefore, vitamin K is also known as vitamin coagulation (blood coagulant for wound healing).

Avocados can also increase sexual arousal. The content of vitamin B6 (0.26 mg / 100 g of fruit) in avocados can increase male hormone production, while potassium helps regulate the thyroid gland in females. Both of these will contribute positively to increase one's libido. Avocados are also very good for maintaining healthy heart.

According to research conducted by Hirokazu Kawagishi and Kimio Sugiyamadari Shizouka University, avocado is very beneficial for heart health. In that study, found five active compounds are effective to reduce liver damage. Experiments with mice showed that avocado extract is very effective for treating hepatitis virus that attacks the liver. The fruit is also effective in fighting cancer.

According to the publication of the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, avocado extracts containing carotenoids and tocopherols which can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. Avocados contain glutathione which is also very useful for maintaining cell growth and health. Glutathione can also clean up harmful free radicals in fatty foods, which can prevent cancer early.