
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Therapeutic Benefits Drink Water White

Therapeutic Benefits Drink Water White
Drinking clean that water is purified in a proper way will also help purify your body. Water will make the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood.

If the colon is cleaned, nutritional food that is inserted for a couple of times a day will be absorbed. Then, the folds of mucous will turn it into fresh blood. Blood is very important in curing disease and restoring health. Because of that, good enough to drink water regularly.

Addition of water can be used as media for the treatment of several diseases. So for those of you who suffer from a disease, you can do water therapy for healing.

How to do water therapy
  • As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drinking liters of water 1,50 (equivalent to 5-6 cups).
  • Scrub and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.
  • It should not be drinking alcohol the night before.
  • After 45 minutes you can eat and drink as usual.
  • After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner, do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours.
  • Those who are old or sick and unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water first and then gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
  • Use water that has been cooked.
  • Perform this water therapy three times a day ie morning, noon and night, one hour before meal, for 1 week. After doing 2 times a day until healed.
  • Metode diatas adalah terapi untuk mengobati penyakit dari orang yang sakit dan orang lain dapat menikmati hidup yang sehat.

Some diseases that can be cured by water therapy:

  • Asthma
  • Breast Cancer
  • Bronchitis
  • Cancer Peranakan
  • Cough
  • Diabetes
  • Dysentery
  • Excess Uric Acid
  • Giddy
  • Heart Disorders
  • High Blood
  • Hosthortobics
  • Irregular Menstruation
  • Kidney Stones
  • Lack of Blood
  • Leukaemia
  • Obesity
  • Paralyzed
  • Piles

  • Bleeding in the Eye
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Drunk
  • Encephalitis
  • Eye disease
  • Headache
  • Inflammation / Pain joints
  • Laryngitis
  • Mucus membrane inflammation
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Red eye
  • Rheumatism
  • Sore eyes
  • Urethral Diseases

The following list is the number of days of treatment required to cure / control / reduce main diseases:

1. High blood pressure (30 days)
2. Gastric acid (10 days)
3. Diabetes (30 days)
4. A bowel obstruction / constipation (10 days)
5. Cancer (180 days)
6. Tuberculosis (90 days)
7. Constipation (1 Day)
8. Lung tuberculosis (3 Months)
9. Diabetes (7 days)
10. Uric acid (2 Days)
11. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the first week and from the second week onwards – daily.

Could it drink 1.5 liters of water at once.?

Blogs Healthy
Perhaps you will find it hard when you first try, but you will get used over time. At first, you can drink 4 glasses of water first and the remaining 2 glass, can be taken after an interval of 2 minutes.
Based on this research, the disease showed improvement following treatment with water in time as mentioned:

Acidity: 2 days

Diabetes: 7 days

Blood pressure and hypertension: 4 weeks

Cancer: 4 weeks

Pulmonary Tuberculosis: 3 months

If you suffer from arthritis or rheumatism, it's worth doing this therapy 3 times a day, morning, noon, and night, one hour before meals, for 1 week. Next two times a day until healed disease.

Can drinking too much water.?

Except for certain disease conditions, you should not drink too much water. The body uses only enough water and removing the remainder via urine. If you drink water in sufficient quantities, usually you will urinate every 2 hours.

The sign, the more clear your urine, it means that your body is getting enough water. The body does not store water, so drinking water in excess amount will not increase the benefits.

You are encouraged to drink water as much as half the size of the weight in ounces of water (1 ounceair equivalent to 0.0284 liters). For example, if you weigh 150 pounds (75 kg), you should drink 75 ounces of water (2.13 liter of water).

Efficacy Water Therapy
  • Balance the body
  • Help control calorie
  • Helps generate muscle
  • Creating a glowing skin
  • Maintain renal function
  • Maintain bowel function

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Don't Underestimate Cough

Don't Underestimate Cough

Coughing is not a disease. Coughing is the body's defense mechanism disaluran breathing and is a symptom of a disease or bodily reactions to irritation in the throat due to mucus, food, dust, smoke and so on.

Cough due to certain stimuli, such as dust in cough receptor (nose, respiratory tract, even ears). Then the receptor will flow through to the central nervous cough in the brain. Here will give a signal to the muscles of the body to remove foreign objects it, until there was a cough. It's actually a normal reaction and serves to protect ourselves.

Coughing is an expulsion of air is roughly to clear the lungs of harmful substances when the respiratory tract began to fail. Coughing can also be a deliberate attempt to clear the throat. However, keep in mind, a cough can spread germs that cause illness.

Acute and Chronic

Coughing can be divided into two types namely acute cough and chronic cough, they are grouped based on time.

Acute cough is a cough that lasts less than 14 days, and in one episode. If the cough is more than 14 days or occurred in 3 episodes for 3 months in a row, called a chronic cough or recurrent chronic cough.

Recurrent chronic cough that often affects children is because of asthma, tuberculosis (TB), and pertussis (whooping cough / cough 100 days). Pertussis is a chronic cough caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria. Pertussis can be prevented by immunization DPT.FM JB.

Causes of cough

There are several kinds of causes of cough:

v Generally caused by infection in the upper respiratory tract which are flu-like symptoms.

v Upper respiratory tract infection (ARI).

v Allergy

v Asthma or tuberculosis

v Foreign objects that enter into the airways

v Choking from drink milk

v Inhaling cigarette smoke from people around

v Cough psychogenic. Cough is caused because a lot of emotional and psychological problems.

Treatment of Cough

Blogs Healthy

There are two ways to treat a cough with phlegm, that is with medication and without medication. Coughing up phlegm that is still lightweight, can be reduced by frequently drinking water. The point is to help thin mucus and reduce irritation or itching. Avoid dusty or even food and drinks that can stimulate the throat. Also avoid the night air as the cold temperature.

Another way is to take cough medicine. But it should not be indiscriminate. Cough medicines used must match the type of cough. Cough can be divided into 2 groups, namely expectorant (thinning phlegm) and antitussive (cough suppressant). Cough with phlegm caused by infection can also be treated with antibiotics. Coughing up phlegm because the virus can be treated with antifungal drugs. While coughing up phlegm because asthma can be treated with asthma medications such as inhaled medications (inhalers), drug meal, and syringes. If you have acute cough, should be considered to perform the operation. After that there chemotherapy and ray.

Cough Causes Disease

However, if the cough does not heal within a period of time, may cause a cough is a disease that needs to be wary of. Such as sneezing, coughing can also spread the disease. Here are some diseases that are often characterized by coughing:

v TB (tuberculosis / TB)

This disease attacks the lungs and infectious. Is a deadly disease if not treated promptly or do not routinely treat it. Sufferers will experience a cough that quite often both at the time of day or night. Another feature is the patient's body is growing thin. TB does not only affect adults, because many found the children who contract the disease.

v Asma Asthma

Asthma is a disease due to the narrowing of the respiratory tract. The trigger can vary and differ from one person to another. Some asthma triggers are dust, cold air, and smoke. Identify the triggers that can be prevented whenever possible in patients with asthma attacks. Symptoms that commonly arises is coughing or shortness of breath will increase at night. This disease is a recurrent disease, it is for people with asthma should always be prepared salve-like respiratory inhalers that can be smoked at any time.

v Pneumonia

The part that is attacked in this disease is the lung. Commonly known as pneumonia, because if attacked by the disease, the lungs become inflamed and infected and lead to the lungs contained water or mucus. In addition to cough, other symptoms are high fever and chills. Immediately consult a doctor or hospital to get dealt.

v Pertussis

Pertussis is also known as whooping cough. Cough is caused by bad bacteria that cause lung infections. Characterize the persistent cough for several times and ended with panting breath. Coughing is dangerous when small children or infants override, because the cough is persistent and long may cause them to lack of oxygen. Cough also known as whooping cough or cough 100 days is contagious when the nose or mouth splashes of people infected with this disease on anyone else who can then also infected.

v Bronchitis

The disease is caused due to viral infection of the small airways of the lungs. When exposed to this disease, the patient will cough accompanied by a sound like whistling while breathing.

Do not underestimate experienced when coughing constantly. Immediately consult a doctor or hospital to find out more clearly the cause of cough. Allowing for too long without getting proper treatment will worsen the situation of the patient. In addition, most menyebabkanbatuk disease is contagious so it can make family members or people who were nearby also affected by the disease.

Diet Eat Fast With Acai Berry Fruit

Diet Eat Fast With Acai Berry Fruit
For a long time people talk about a great food called acai berries. Small berries that purple come from the Amazon, Brazil  this has extraordinary antioxidant content. Acai berry is often referred to as super foods, as these fruits are proven to increase energy, burn fat and slow the effects of aging. If you want a quick and healthy diet, this fruit can be a solution.

Many celebrities who use acai berries in fast diet to lose weight them, since this fruit can be used as a cleanser for the body. This fruit can only be obtained in a single place in the world, namely in the area of ​​rain forest in the interior of Brazil. Now the fruit is becoming very popular, and eventually followed the diet in various forms throughout the world by using the acai berry.

Blogs Healthy
You can get acai berry in the form of capsules and tablets at drug stores or the internet. By taking three capsules acai berry after breakfast, you no longer need to exercise or avoid certain foods. But if you want to do a quick diet to lose weight drastically, you need to balance it with exercise and abstinence from certain foods.

Acai berry pulp is, part of the acai berry contains the most nutrients much, because it is rich with antioxidants and amino acids that are useful for our body's health. You can get them easily in a slurry form of juice or a snack bar at the drug store or grocery store.

You do not have to worry about the acai berry as the fruit is completely natural. Acai berries are grown without the use of fertilizers and pesticides, and naturally harvested. If you feel hesitant to use acai berries in your diet to lose weight fast, you could try using products free for 30 days usually offered by companies that manufacture products made ​​from acai berries. If suitable, you can buy it. In the not too long you will drop weight quickly and you will feel better in your day to day living.

Acai Plus Nasa, contains 60 capsules herbal blend of three natural ingredients with a potential of Acai Berry, Noni, and Green Tea is beneficial to reduce body fat, lose weight, the source of powerful antioxidants and increase endurance. 

Benefits of Acai Plus Nasa:

  • Acai Plus Nasa, For Slimming Natural Herbs
  • Acai Plus Nasa, Increase Endurance Body
  • Acai Plus Nasa, Burn a Fat Quickly
  • Acai Plus Nasa, Suppress Appetite
  • Acai Plus Nasa, Reduce Fat Absorption
  • Acai Plus Nasa, Menamabah Antioxidants In Body
  • Acai Plus Nasa, as Antimicrobials
  • Acai Plus Nasa, Anti-Tumor
  • Acai Plus Nasa, Keeping health heart

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Panu Skin Infection

Panu Skin Infection
Panu is a skin infection caused by fungi. Panu can affect the skin on the body (tinea corporis), scalp (tinea capitis), groin area (tinea cruris), or feet (tinea pedis). Often, there are some panu on the skin area as well as.

~~~ Cause Panu ~~~

Panu is a common skin disorder, especially among children, but can affect people of all ages. Many bacteria and fungi live on everyone's body where several useful to the body. Others can multiply rapidly and become infected. Panu occurs when certain types of fungus grows and multiplies anywhere on the body especially at their preferred temperature (moist).

Panu is a contagious skin disease. It can be transmitted from one person to person the next with skin to skin contact direct or through contact with contaminated items such as combs, clothes dirty, and the surface of the bathtub or swimming pool. In addition, pet a that bring fungi can be an intermediary such as a cat.

The fungus that causes panu grown in warm temperatures and moist areas. Panu is more likely if the circumstances are often wet (like sweating) and minor injuries.

~~~ Symptoms Of Panu ~~~

Itchy, red, scaly skin that may blister-like liquids are typical symptoms. Skin color is not as usual (white). The doctor will diagnose panu is mainly based on the appearance of skin. If tests are needed, the fungus can appear when the skin is examined with blue light (called a Wood's lamp) in a dark room. A more definitive diagnosis can be performed by the affected area of skin friction and examine the cells under a microscope.

~~~ Treatment Of Panu ~~~

Panu usually respond well to self-care within 4 weeks without having to see a doctor. Powder, lotion, or cream is usually how that is done to cope with his own, where they contain ingredients miconazole, clotrimazole, or other similar materials. Severe or persistent infections may require treatment by a physician. antifungal pills can be given and which are necessary if your hair is infected. Prescription antifungal skin medications, such as ketoconazole, are stronger than product such as creams or lotions. Antibiotics may also be needed to treat bacterial infections cause panu.

“ Eliminating Panu Naturally, With Traditional Medicine “

v Eliminates panu with garlic

Way, take a clove of garlic into 2 pieces and rub into the affected skin panu. Perform regular morning, afternoon, night up panu the dry and flaking. If the dry already then the panu will be leaving our skin.

v Eliminates panu with lemon herb

Materials that prepared, lemon and sulfur. Cut the lemon into 4 pieces and finely crushed sulfur. Sliced
​​lime in dip it in sulfur then rub on panu. Apply after a bath 2 times a day until healed.

v Eliminates panu with ginger

Ginger in grated, crushed black ants then mix with ginger grated, and given a eucalyptus oil, then rubbed on the panu.

v Eliminates panu with galangal

Galangal in pieces and then rubbed directly on panu.
Galangal cut oblique. Section end its, pounded until stringy like a brush, Galangal a brush that has been soaked in vinegar rubbed on panu.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

History And Nutrition Milk

History And Nutrition Milk
Milk is a white nutritious liquid produced by female mammals mammary gland. Milk is the main source of nutrition for infants before they can digest solid food. Dairy animals (usually cows) are also processed into various products such as butter, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, condensed milk, milk powder and others for human consumption.

Milk has many functions and benefits. For the productive age, milk helped their growth. Meanwhile, for the elderly, so that milk helps keep bones are not porous. Milk contains many vitamins and proteins. Therefore, everyone is encouraged to drink milk. Now a lot of milk that is packaged in a unique form. The purpose of this so that people interested in buying and drinking milk. There is also a form of fermented milk.

History Of Milk

In ancient times, the milk has been used as human food staple. Humans take milk from animals that have mammary glands, such as cows, horses and sheep. Cattle and sheep began to be domesticated since 8000 BC for their meat, fur and milk. In the Middle East, even fermented milk into cheese by the desert nomads there. Chance of milk began to enter the plains of Europe in centuries past 5000 BC Anatolia region. Meanwhile, the milk started to go to Britain in the Neolithic period.

The use of cheese and milk from the Middle East through Turkey began to be known by Europeans in the middle ages. Then, in the 15th century, sailors began to bring the dairy cow to be nurtured and bred in the plains of Europe to the consumption of milk. Cow's milk had just known by the Indonesian people through the colonial Dutch East Indies in the 18th century.

Nutrition For Man

In some nations, especially Europeans, has become the habit of drinking milk at breakfast. Milk continues to be produced by establishing a dairy farm. At this time, milk is not only drunk, but rather transformed into margarine, yogurt and even ice cream. Milk continues to be developed in line with progress of time. In Europe, the dairy industry is very advanced in terms of technology and quality of the milk itself. The milk produced in Europe, on average contain high nutrient content. It's very good for our health and growth. This is the cause, the average height of Europeans away from the average height of Asians. Milk contains a lot of calcium that can strengthen bones.

Source Of Milk

Milk not only from cows, but also from several other mammals. Among others:

  • sheep
  • goat
  • horse
  • donkey
  • Camels, including camels in South America, such as the Yak Ilama.

In Russia and Laplandia area, a kind of deer dairy farm made ​​for logistics milk in several regions of the Arctic circle. Contain adequate milk fat horse and donkey about 50% lower than cow's milk. Milk of whale contains the fat content largest, is 50% of the levels of the milk. However, whale milk is not consumed by humans.

Tips Eat And Drink Before A Morning Run

Tips Eat And Drink Before A Morning Run
Running or jogging is one of the favorite sports community because they are easy and inexpensive. This exercise is best done in the morning. But before doing so, pay attention to food and beverages you consume.

Eat and drink before a morning run should be taken to ensure that your sports activities run smoothly. One to eat or drink before a morning run, can make your stomach becomes ill.

Here are some tips on eating and drinking before morning run :

Preparation drink before a morning run

After sleeping 7 to 8 hours, most likely you will wake up with dehydration. For that, at least drink 2 to 3 glasses of water immediately after you get out of bed, especially if you want to do a morning run. Drink at least 20 to 30 minutes before you jog.

If you're not well hydrated before the morning run, then it will increase the likelihood of dehydration, leading to poor performance and a myriad of other problems. Relying on thirst as an indicator of dehydration is not enough. If you are thirsty, then you're already dehydrated.

Eat right before the morning run

Many people start running in the morning on an empty stomach. But it is a big mistake. Exercise on an empty stomach is a bad idea. Of course, in the morning almost everyone does not have enough time to eat and digest food. In fact, a heavy meal can cause discomfort and stress during running gastronomical.

You can at least try to eat something light like a banana or cereal energy, so it does not exercise on an empty stomach. The body needs fuel to go jogging, exercising on an empty stomach then it will most likely make you lethargic, nauseous and unable to do their best.

However, if you plan to do a long morning run, then you need to refuel more before the morning run. You can eat complex carbohydrates and proteins, such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole grain products, potatoes, fish or egg whites.

Avoid foods that can upset your stomach or cause gastronomical stress, such as high-fiber foods and fatty foods.

Every person is different and responds to food in different ways. Therefore, make sure to try different foods and find out what is best to give you energy.


Avocado or Persea Americana, is producing plants a table of fruit with the same name. This plant comes from Mexico and Central America and now widely cultivated in South America and Central America as a crop monoculture and as garden plants in other tropical regions of the world.

Trees, with stems reaching a height of 20 m with leaves along the 12 - 25 cm. The flowers are hidden with yellowish green color and the size of 5 - 10 millimeters. Its size varies from 7 - 20 centimeters, with a mass of 100 - 1000 grams; seeds are large, 5 - 6,4 centimeters.

Healthy Tips Fresh
The fruit type Buni, has a soft leather not flat dark green to purple brown, depending on variety. Flesh Avocado light green near the skin and flaxen near the seed, with a soft texture.

~~~ History ~~~

Name of avocado or avocado (from English, avocado) comes from the Aztec language, ahuacatl (pronounced roughly "awakatl"). Aztec tribe was in the area of Central America and Mexico. Therefore, this fruit was originally known in the area.

At the time of the Spanish troops invaded the territory around the beginning of the 16th century, a variety of plants from this area, including avocado, introduced to the European population. The first person who introduced the avocado fruit to the European population of Martín Fernández de Enciso, a leader of the Spanish troops. He introduced this fruit in 1519 to the people of Europe. At the same time, the Spanish troops who invaded Central America also introduced the cacao, corn, and potatoes to the European community. Since it began to spread avocado fruit and is known by many people in the world.

Avocado was introduced to Indonesia by the Dutch in the 19 th century.

~~~ Benefit ~~~

Avocado has many benefits. Seeds used in the apparel industry as a dye that does not easily fade. Trunk can be used as fuel. Bark is used as a brown dye on leather products. Flesh can be dishes as well as a basic ingredient for some cosmetic and beauty products.

~~~ Healthy Living with Avocado ~~~

In some parts of the world, the fruit is regarded as one of the exotic and rare fruits. Maybe avocado has played an important role in your diet. After feeling a variety of dishes that contain avocado or avocado, you may be able to say that this fruit is really a lot of benefits as well as delicious fruit.!!!