
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Don't Underestimate Cough

Don't Underestimate Cough

Coughing is not a disease. Coughing is the body's defense mechanism disaluran breathing and is a symptom of a disease or bodily reactions to irritation in the throat due to mucus, food, dust, smoke and so on.

Cough due to certain stimuli, such as dust in cough receptor (nose, respiratory tract, even ears). Then the receptor will flow through to the central nervous cough in the brain. Here will give a signal to the muscles of the body to remove foreign objects it, until there was a cough. It's actually a normal reaction and serves to protect ourselves.

Coughing is an expulsion of air is roughly to clear the lungs of harmful substances when the respiratory tract began to fail. Coughing can also be a deliberate attempt to clear the throat. However, keep in mind, a cough can spread germs that cause illness.

Acute and Chronic

Coughing can be divided into two types namely acute cough and chronic cough, they are grouped based on time.

Acute cough is a cough that lasts less than 14 days, and in one episode. If the cough is more than 14 days or occurred in 3 episodes for 3 months in a row, called a chronic cough or recurrent chronic cough.

Recurrent chronic cough that often affects children is because of asthma, tuberculosis (TB), and pertussis (whooping cough / cough 100 days). Pertussis is a chronic cough caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria. Pertussis can be prevented by immunization DPT.FM JB.

Causes of cough

There are several kinds of causes of cough:

v Generally caused by infection in the upper respiratory tract which are flu-like symptoms.

v Upper respiratory tract infection (ARI).

v Allergy

v Asthma or tuberculosis

v Foreign objects that enter into the airways

v Choking from drink milk

v Inhaling cigarette smoke from people around

v Cough psychogenic. Cough is caused because a lot of emotional and psychological problems.

Treatment of Cough

Blogs Healthy

There are two ways to treat a cough with phlegm, that is with medication and without medication. Coughing up phlegm that is still lightweight, can be reduced by frequently drinking water. The point is to help thin mucus and reduce irritation or itching. Avoid dusty or even food and drinks that can stimulate the throat. Also avoid the night air as the cold temperature.

Another way is to take cough medicine. But it should not be indiscriminate. Cough medicines used must match the type of cough. Cough can be divided into 2 groups, namely expectorant (thinning phlegm) and antitussive (cough suppressant). Cough with phlegm caused by infection can also be treated with antibiotics. Coughing up phlegm because the virus can be treated with antifungal drugs. While coughing up phlegm because asthma can be treated with asthma medications such as inhaled medications (inhalers), drug meal, and syringes. If you have acute cough, should be considered to perform the operation. After that there chemotherapy and ray.

Cough Causes Disease

However, if the cough does not heal within a period of time, may cause a cough is a disease that needs to be wary of. Such as sneezing, coughing can also spread the disease. Here are some diseases that are often characterized by coughing:

v TB (tuberculosis / TB)

This disease attacks the lungs and infectious. Is a deadly disease if not treated promptly or do not routinely treat it. Sufferers will experience a cough that quite often both at the time of day or night. Another feature is the patient's body is growing thin. TB does not only affect adults, because many found the children who contract the disease.

v Asma Asthma

Asthma is a disease due to the narrowing of the respiratory tract. The trigger can vary and differ from one person to another. Some asthma triggers are dust, cold air, and smoke. Identify the triggers that can be prevented whenever possible in patients with asthma attacks. Symptoms that commonly arises is coughing or shortness of breath will increase at night. This disease is a recurrent disease, it is for people with asthma should always be prepared salve-like respiratory inhalers that can be smoked at any time.

v Pneumonia

The part that is attacked in this disease is the lung. Commonly known as pneumonia, because if attacked by the disease, the lungs become inflamed and infected and lead to the lungs contained water or mucus. In addition to cough, other symptoms are high fever and chills. Immediately consult a doctor or hospital to get dealt.

v Pertussis

Pertussis is also known as whooping cough. Cough is caused by bad bacteria that cause lung infections. Characterize the persistent cough for several times and ended with panting breath. Coughing is dangerous when small children or infants override, because the cough is persistent and long may cause them to lack of oxygen. Cough also known as whooping cough or cough 100 days is contagious when the nose or mouth splashes of people infected with this disease on anyone else who can then also infected.

v Bronchitis

The disease is caused due to viral infection of the small airways of the lungs. When exposed to this disease, the patient will cough accompanied by a sound like whistling while breathing.

Do not underestimate experienced when coughing constantly. Immediately consult a doctor or hospital to find out more clearly the cause of cough. Allowing for too long without getting proper treatment will worsen the situation of the patient. In addition, most menyebabkanbatuk disease is contagious so it can make family members or people who were nearby also affected by the disease.

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